Major Power Outage in Brisbane -Hakataya RamenAround 4pm this afternoon, the sky went dark. Then a number of lightning strikes were coming, they were very closed to my house. Then the lights in my house were flashing. At the end, the power and internet were gone.  We were not alone, some friends who live in nearby suburbs told me the similar stories. They lost the power supply too.  Then I checked the Energex twitter page, there were 70,000 households  were without power!

Until 7pm, we were still without power. Last year, a storm came and a lot of power lines  fall.  A lot of houses lost the power supply. In my case, I was without power around 2 days. I had to thrown away all of the food in my fridge. I believe this times will be in a similar situation. I prepared the worst case. I moved all food in my fridge to my friends’ house which are still having power.  Moreover, because the oven and cooktop in my house are electrical, I cannot cook our dinner. That was 7pm, I gave up to wait the power come back. We went to Hakataya Ramen in Sunnybank for dinner.

Again, we were not alone. That was 8 pm in a week day. Kmart, Supermarket and restaurants have more people than usual. I believe a lot of people cannot cook their dinner and stand for the heart in their house.

After 9.30pm, we finished our dinner and window shopping in Kmart. We arrived home. Luckily, the power came back! However, according Energex, there are still 34801 homes are without power. If you are one of them, you can go to their website for further information.

That was a crazy thunderstorm, which brought us a lot troubles!


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