Small Cake Place- Part 2

I have talked about how much I love the cake in the small cake place. Actually, both my wife and daughter ate some small cakes too. So I also want to talk about it.

strawberry cake

First of all, I will introduce the strawberry cake that my wife ordered. Of course, the appearance is quite exquisite! As for the taste, it is also desirable. It has a very fragrant strawberry flavor, and the texture is moderately soft and hard. Of course, I think that is a masterpiece.

And my daughter ordered the green tea-flavored Swiss roll. The daughter likes it very much, and the green cake is all around her mouth. She has used this way to tell everyone that this cake is very delicious! I tasted a bit of it. It has a solid green tea flavor, and the texture is good.
I like this cake shop so that I will try it again.